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Role Playing - Become A Part Of Hogwarts

I will be starting Harry Potter role playing.  If you want to be a part of the role playing, email me your first name, the name you want to use for the role playing, and your age.  The role playing names that are not aloud are Harry Potter, Ron Weasley. Hermione Granger, or any other known character, or any form of the name.  Your role playing name must be a first name and last name, but do NOT use your real name please.

The Sorting Hat

Take this quiz and email me with the quiz questions and your answers. I will email you with the results and what house you are in. The year you are in depends on your age. If you are 11 and younger you are in first year, 12 is second year, and so on. Here's the quiz:

Question 1 of 7

You see that another student is getting bullied pretty badly. You:

a)Stand up for them

b)Are yelling smart insults at the people doing the bullying.

c)Are trying to help them, and waiting to see if the bully realilizes that three against one isn't fair .

d)Are doing the bullying.

Question 2 0f 7

Your grades:

a)are kind ok but not the best because you have lots of people to help out.

b)Well, they are very good ... oh, just say it, THEY'RE EXCELLENT!!

c)About average. You don't ever cheat, but do the best you can.

d)Who care's? The teacher loves my wit and charm, and I can bribe him to change my grade.

Question 3 out of 7

Your favorite class is:

a)Quidditch pracitce. It's dangerous, but fun!

b)Ancient Runes. It's fasinating to decode them!

c)Muggle Studies. Your paitent enough to help out the the students who live in the wizarding world who don't understand Muggle objects.

d)Potions. You are great at the subject, because you get all the compliments from your teacher. It might help that you can persuade the professor to not fail you.

Question 4 of 7

Another student drops all their books in the corridor. You:

a)Cast a sheild charm around them so they don't get stepped on while picking up their books, and help them up.

b)Give them a homework planner so that their books and papers will be organized and not spill again.

c)Are paitent when they take nearly twenty minutes to pick everything up, even if it makes you nearly wet your pants because they're standing right in front of the bathroom.

d)Laugh and walk on few of their more important things, and grab a few galleons that they dropped.

Question 5 of 7

Your favorite Magical Animal is:

a)Hippogriff. They are strong and magnificent.

b)An owl. They are some of the smartest creatures in the world.

c)A dog. They can be one of your best friends and will always be loyal to you.

d)A dragon. They can breath fire on anyone you don't like.

Question 6 of 7

A new student comes to Hogwarts. You:

a)Introduce yourself and see if they want to be friends.

b)Offer to help them with their homework.

c)Show them around the many rooms of Hogwarts - even if you do miss lunch because of their numerous questions.

d)Make fun of them. I mean, come on, they're the NEW KID!

Question 7 of 7

Your Patronus would be:

a)A lion

b)A snowy dear

c)A horse

d)A wolf


I , Breanna, will be the Professor for every class. Here you can find the assignments I put up. You only have to do the assignment you want to do, but you have to email me your assignment within a week after I put it up or you won't get credit for it. The grading system is as follows:

O - 5 galleons

E - 4 galleons

A - 3 galleons

P - 2 galleons

D - 1 galleons

T - O galleons

I will email your "galleons" to you. When you get enough galleons you can go to Diagon Alley. If you find something you like, email me the name of the item and tell me what your Hogwarts name is. I will email you back to see if you have enough "galleons" to get it, and I will email the "item" to you and tell you how many "galleons" you have left.


Find Assignments Here

Defense Against The Dark Arts - Explain an Unforgivable Curse and how to resist it. Also tell what the name means and any other general info about. Due by August 20th


Charms - Make up a short story about three Hogwarts Professors (McGonagal, Snape, Flitwick, Hagrid, any others) who get in a mess of trouble when a spell back fires. Due by August 20th


Potions - Write an essay telling who is capable of making a potion. Due by August 20th


Astronomy - Explain a star constellation and the story behind it. Due by August 20th


Herbology - Explain the steps to raising a nice healthy mandrake. Due by August 20th


Divination - Make at least Five predictions about your life and tell why you belive it will happen. Due by August 20th


Care Of Magical Creatures - Pick a magical creature and write an essay about it. Due by August 20th


Muggle Studies - Explain one Muggle object with detail and find a picture of it. Due by August 20th